This elegant residence owes its name to the Porta Ferrata house in Avigliana, whose façade, which survived after the building collapsed and is still preserved today, was identified as a model. The sides which have been added to the house stem instead from a house in Carignano. The façade is characterised on the ground floor by two large arches with decorated capitals, comparable with similar ones from S. Antonio di Ranverso and Avigliana, by a beautiful terracotta string-course and, on the upper floor, by two mullioned windows bordered by tiny palmettes.
On the ground floor, the main door gave access, in 1884, to a shop selling artistic objects, while the smaller door opened onto the darkroom of the photographer Ecclesia, who had a photo booth at the entrance to the village. Before 1894, the room was used as a ticket office for the Rocca, while the shop sold copper, iron, bronze and brass objects. Since 1958, the ticket office has occupied the entire ground floor.