– Atrio

The entrance room to the fortress is protected by a heavy wooden door covered with iron on the outside and by a portcullis operated by a winch on the upper floor, copied from a rare original in the Verzuolo Castle. It was controlled by the soldiers in the men-at-arms’ room through two slits in the rear wall, and by the guards in the room above, through a trapdoor in the vault. A wooden portal fortified with nails, made even more majestic by a wide stone splay with pointed arch, leads to the inner courtyard: it is a replica of an original in Verrès Castle in Valle d’Aosta; similar replicas are the loopholes at the back of the room. The fresco of the Madonna suckling the Child reproduces the one in Manta Castle, near Saluzzo. It’s the work of Giuseppe Rollini, who painted all the frescoes in the Rocca and in the Borgo.


BORGO MEDIEVALE – Viale Virgilio, 107 (Parco del Valentino) 10126 Torino


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