This is where the soldiers on guard duty were stationed. The room, copied from Verrès Castle, is long in shape and covered by a barrel vault, with a beaten floor, heated by two large fireplaces at each end. Nearby, the most ornate bed is that of the garrison commander. The soldiers’ beds, simple planks with straw and rustic blankets, are on one side, while on the other are large tables and rough benches where the soldiers ate in earthenware dishes, played and cleaned their weapons. The armour, helmets, drums and various weapons, from swords to scythes and crossbows, rest on wooden racks, inspired by a lunette painting in the courtyard of Issogne Castle and dating to the late-15th century. The weapons were produced in 1883-84 by the Fonderia del Regio Arsenale (Royal Arsenal Foundry) in Turin.